Friday, February 19, 2010

All about me!

So how self indulgent is this? I'm absolutely sure that people in cyber space are dying for wit, wisdom and cooking tips from me! First of all, I'm not that Julie in that there is no way I'm ever going to cook through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I did buy the book, but really just to make it look like I was a serious home chef. And although I've never cooked anything from her cookbook, I took enough high school french to say Beef Burgundy as Boeuf Bourginon with a perfect french accent.

So why should you listen to anything I have to say (or write)? I am a decent cook and one who manages to feed her husband and son most days during the week a decent well cooked meal that's ready pretty quick. Also, I have been known to have a quick wit and some people enjoy my sense of humor.

But mostly, I'm probably like you in that I always have too much on my plate (food included) and struggle with balancing home, work, family, friends, two dogs, two cats and an enormous pile of unwashed clothes that are planning a hostile take over of my home. I should eat less, work out more - you know the drill. So welcome to my world!

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